The three pillars of sustainability
The three pillars of sustainability form the basis of sustainability. On the following page you will find all sustainable measures relating to the economy.
The three pillars of sustainability form the basis of sustainability. On the following page you will find all sustainable measures relating to the economy.
As one of the first major sustainable projects, the Seehotel Wiesler replaced its oil heating with wood chip heating in 2004. As wood is available in abundance in the Black Forest, this type of heating fits in well with the Seehotel Wiesler's regional red thread and, incidentally, the wood chip heating system is also virtually CO2 neutral.
Since the Seehotel was built in 1970, the building's insulation has been continuously renewed and improved. This may sound unspectacular, but it is one of the most effective measures for saving energy. If you don't consume the energy in the first place, then you don't have to produce it. The thermal insulation in the hotel roof was also renovated when the roof was extended in 2006. Regional wood wool flakes were used as the material. In addition, the shape of the roof was adapted to the PV system. The new location and angle further improved the efficiency of the system.
A spa area with swimming pool, bathing area and sauna is a must in a wellness hotel. However, saunas need a lot of energy to get up to temperature. To solve this problem, Klaus-Günther Wiesler developed a hybrid sauna. Here, the radiators under the benches of the saunas preheat with heat from the wood chip heating system, thus minimizing the energy-intensive electrical heating requirement. Only the final temperature differences are heated by an electric heater. Alongside the pool itself, the indoor swimming pool is the biggest "energy guzzler" in the wellness area. That is why Seehotel Wiesler has designed it to be as small as possible. An additional advantage for guests, as the noise level in an indoor swimming pool is higher than in a normal lounging room. For this reason, part of our indoor swimming pool was partitioned off with glass. This created an additional, quieter relaxation room with a great view of the lake. With the conversion of the new outdoor pool, a solar thermal system for heating the pool water was installed in the attic of the indoor swimming pool. When the sun shines, the solar thermal system feeds the heat directly into the 31° C pool. The Wiesler family found out just how efficiently this system works during the coronavirus-related lockdown in spring 2020. During the lockdown, the pool heating was switched off and the temperature of the pool never dropped below 27°C. As a result, the water temperature changed by just 3 degrees without heating. In addition, a solar cover was installed to prevent heat from being released at night or during rest periods. The outdoor hot tub is also very energy-efficient. This can be drained into the splash water tank in the basement at night or when it is not being used by guests. In the warm cellar, less energy is needed to reach the water temperature of 36° degrees.
Attentive guests may have noticed that we have changed our table linen in the restaurant. This change enables us to wash the laundry in-house. Special detergent dispensers adjust the amount of detergent to the machine's capacity and are particularly material-efficient. The new table linen is crease-free and therefore does not need to be ironed, and our special dryer means that there is no need for ironing. On the subject of the restaurant, we have also persuaded our coffee and tea suppliers Azul and Ronnefeld to introduce Fairtrade and organic product lines.
In addition to its own innovative sustainable ideas, the Seehotel is also looking for special products that are already on the market. These include the innovative ice cube machine, which produces ice cubes in a particularly water-saving way. Normally, around 10-15 liters of water are required for a batch of around 30 ice cubes. This is because the water is constantly sprayed onto the ice cubes. The ice cube machine at Seehotel Wiesler works with a different system. The ice cube molds are immersed in a water bath, so the machine only needs about 1 liter for the same amount of ice cubes.
All refrigerators in the hotel kitchen are controlled by a computer. Thanks to this control, the "Cool-Expert" refrigerators are 40% more efficient than conventional refrigerators. Another sustainable measure in our kitchen is the light barrier at the food pass. The heat lamp keeps the food at the pass warm until the service takes the food to the guest table. Normally, this heat lamp is switched on at the beginning of the evening service and runs until the end. Klaus-Günther Wiesler did not find this efficient enough. Together with a kitchen builder, he therefore integrated a light barrier into the heat lamp. This system is now on the market and is used in many restaurants.
Meals at the Seehotel Wiesler are cooked exclusively on induction stoves, as these are highly energy-efficient. This also contributes to a more pleasant indoor climate in the kitchen and CO2 savings.
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The effectiveness of energy saving through LED is undisputed and super easy to implement for everyone. That's why the lighting throughout the hotel is set to LED. This was partly the idea of our employees. Because they always contribute to environmental management with their own ideas. Most recently, the head chef suggested replacing the LED lamps in the kitchen and reception developed a system for the paperless transfer of wellness appointments.
The room card-controlled power supply, which was installed at the beginning of 2000, is now standard in hotels. This avoids the power-intensive stand-by mode and ensures that there is only electricity in the room when it is actually needed. It also avoids electrosmog from devices such as televisions.
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